Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Amazing animals of Bolivia and where to see them in the wild !!


The most underrated wildlife watching destination in South America 

Unknown to most, Bolivia offers wildlife watchers and nature lovers some of the best chances to see animals in South America. While Brazil , Ecuador and Peru usually get all of the publicity many visitors to Bolivia are pleasantly surpised at how diverse and wonderful wildlife watching in Bolivia is. 
Bolivia has some of the worlds most pristine Amazon Rainforest with Madidi National Park , Itenez Protected Area,Amboro National Park and Noel Kempff Mercado National Park being incredible locations. Kaa Iya National Park is part of the Gran Chaco and is the worlds 2nd largest forested area, its a haven for Jaguars,Pumas, Tapirs and remains one of the best destinations in the world for large mammal viewing. 

Here is a list of just some of the exciting wildlife species which are found in this amazing country.

 1  Three toed Sloth

The iconic 3 toed Sloth is one of the most interesting species you can find in Bolivia, the best places to see the Sloth in the wild is the Santa Cruz surroundings and Beni Wetlands.

2 Jaguar - Panthera Onca

The Jagaur or commonly called Tigre in Bolivia is the largest feline in the Western Hemisphere. Weighing up to 140 kg this amazing predator is capable of preying on over 81 different prey species including Caimans, Anacondas, Capybaras and more. Its taste for cows is sadly causing friction between Ranchers whom kill them for eating cattle.
The best places to see Jaguars in the wild include Kaa Iya National Park , Madidi National Park and the Beni Wetlands of Bolivia

Puma or Mountain Lion

The Puma or Mountain Lion is the 2nd largest Feline in South America, it is one of the most adaptable species on the planet and is capable of surviving in the Andes Mountains, Amazon Rainforests, harsh dry forests of the Chaco and the Wetlands of the Beni and Pantanal. Like the Jagaur its sadly often killed on sight for fear by Ranchers protecting their cattle and livestock.


This secretive noctural mammal is South Americas largest land mammal. Usually found close to water this gentle giant roams where it is an extremely important seed disperser. The Tapir communicates by whistles and its also has one of the slowest gestatation periods of any mammal. Its frequently found in Kaa Iya National Park and Madidi National Park.


One of the strangest animals in Bolivia, the Maned Wolf is an extremely rare and secretive animal. Found only in the most pristine and remote Savannah areas this strange animal is sadly slowly dissapearing. Fires and hunting from Ranchers for a range of reasons are pushing this inconic animal to extinction.

These are just a few of many incredible animal species found in Bolivia. For more information about the best wildlife watching destinations in Bolivia CONTACT US TODAY

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