Just 3 hours drive from the City of Santa Cruz is the newest Wildlife Watching destination in Bolivia called the San Miguelito Jaguar Conservation Reserve. This property is the only one in the area which has kept its forests intact and as a result has seen a huge variety of wildlife move into the area.
One of 9 different Jaguars recorded on the property. |
The aim of Eco Tourism here is firstly to support Ranchers whom aid conservation and also to reduce and eventually stop Jaguars from being killed in the region, sadly many Jagaurs and other predators are killed by Ranchers who are protecting there cattle. The aim of the project is to compensate the owners through tourism, this in turn teaches locals that wildlife is worth more alive than dead.
Remote canoe trips which offer excellent wildlife watching opportunities |
San Miguelito Jagaur Reserve is currently home to 9 different Jaguars which have been recorded by direct sightings from tourists and workers and from Camera traps. San Miguelito Jaguar Reserve has also been studied by bioligists from WCS whos data on the reserve places San Miguelito as having the highest density of Jaguars in Bolivia.
In addition to Jaguars there are healthy populations of Pumas, Ocelots, Tapirs, Giant Anteaters,Capybara, Anaconda and more. Birdwatching in San Miguelito is excellent and most trips you can easilly record over 70-100 different species of birds.
A Giant Anteater , recorded during a recent visit to San Miguelito Jaguar Reserve |
Although Wildlife Watching is amazing here its not the only thing to do , here you can go Piranah fishing in the river, go star gazing, canoe down pristine rivers, visit local communities , horse ride and also learn and experience the life of a cattle rancher as well.
Amazing Jaguar sighting in San Miguelito during a recent canoe trip through the property. |
Please see the link to a 2 year Camera trap study on the San Miguelito Jaguar Reserve, we recorded a huge variety of Wildlife including the Jaguar, Puma, Giant Anteater, Tapir and more !!
Explore the pristine forests of the San Miguelito Jaguar Reserve | | |